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IHRC Corporation
IHRC Alliance
International Human Rights Commission
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IHRC: Executive Summary
About HQ
International Human Rights Commission IHRC Corporation, a U.S.-based intergovernmental organization, serves as the primary entity overseeing global operations within the IHRC Alliance. Committed to fostering peace, resolving conflicts, and strengthening diplomatic cooperation worldwide, IHRC Alliance works tirelessly to peace, protect human rights, support communities affected by crises, and uphold international security and including humanitarian aid.
United States of America
Organization's acronym: IHRC Corporation or IHRC

βœ… IHRC Corporation
  • Headquarters: Albany, New York
  • Type of organization: NPO Corporation
  • Registration number: 7589050
  • IRC: 501(c)(3)
 πŸ“ Groups World Coordynation Center

βœ… International Human Rights Commission IHRC Corporation
      other name:
  1. INTERPOL Center USA
  2. International Human Rights Commission
  • Headquarters: Albany, New York
  • Type of organization: Intergovernmental Organization, NPO
  • Registration number: 7589050
  • IRC: 501(c)(3)
   πŸ“ IHRC Peacemaker FORCE Main Coordynation Headquarters
  πŸ“ INTERPOL Center USA - Law Enforcements and Police Chaplains Coordynation Center

βœ…INTERPOL Center UN – New Mexico, USA
IHRC World

βœ…International Human Rights Commission Foundation –  Slovak Republic
  • Organization's acronym: IHRC
  • Headquarters: Bratislava, Slovak Republic
  • Registration number: ICO 54825 075
  • Issues TAX ID Number: 212248407
  • Type of organization: Transnational Intergovernmental Intergovernmental Foundation, NPO
  • Website:
βœ…International Human Rights Commission Foundation
  • Organization's acronym: IHRC
  • Headquarters: Zurich, Switzerland
  • Type of organization: Transnational Intergovernmental Intergovernmental Foundation, NPO
  • Registration number: CH-020-7002502
  • Headquarters: Zurich, Switzerland
  • Issues TAX ID Number: CHE-020.075.145
βœ…International Human Rights Commission India
βœ…SMM IHRC Trust
  • Organization's acronym: SMM IHRC
  • Headquarters: Chittogram, Bangladesh
  • Type of organization: Found Trust
  • Registration number: 4231

Government of the State of the African Diaspora ( Treaty signed on  September 17, 2023)
Democratic Republic of the Congo (Headquarters Agreement Between the Government DRC and IHRC :August 09,2023)
Central African Republic Republic of Chad ( Memorandum of Undestanding signed on  November 30, 2020)
Republic of CΓ΄te d'Ivoire (Instrument of Accession:November 03,2020 and December 12,2020)
Republic of Guinea-Bissau ( Memorandum of Muntal Undestanding and Cooperation/ signed on  March 12, 2018)
Republic of Niger (Memorandum of Muntal Undestanding and Cooperation/ signed on  April 30, 2020)
Ukraine (Memorandum of Undestanding signed on  April 20, 2022)


Autonomous Republic of Abkhazia, Georgia ( Memorandum of Undestanding signed on July 17, 2021 and June 23, 2022)
                               Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria, Ayn Issa (Treaty signed on  November 30, 2022)


Secretariat of the Ukrainian Parliament  Commissioner for  Human Rights - Ombusdsman of Ukraine
( Memorandum of Undestanding signed on November 1, 2024)

National Agency for Prohibition of Trafficking in Persons (NAPTIP) from Federal Republic of Nigeria
( Memorandum of Undestanding signed on September 2, 2020)

Peace and Security Cluster of Economic and Cultural Council of the African Union ECOSSOC
( Memorandum of Undestanding  and Cooperation signed on  February 20, 2022)

Special status with UN ECOSOC
( Memorandum of Undestanding Cooperative Agreement signed on June 23, 2023)

Memorandum of Understanding Cooperative Agreement of November 10, 2023

BRICS International Alliance
(Memorandum of Understanding of March 10,2023)

ZO NSZZ FSG at NwOSG in Republic of Poland
( Memorandum of Undestanding Cooperative Agreement signed on June 5, 2023)

Legal Aid Board Sierra Leone
( Memorandum of Undestanding Cooperative Agreement signed on July 26, 2023)


As part of the "IHRC International Local Partnership" program, was signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the local authorities of territories and cities in Europe, Africa and Asia. This program is to create a platform for local authorities from around the world to improve the quality and effectiveness of their service to their local communities thanks to ongoing, close and direct cooperation.

Local Government in Republic of Cabo Verde :
  • Camara Municipal da Boavista ( Memorandum of Undestanding signed on  June 30, 2021)
  • Camara Municipal da Riberia Grande da Santiago, ( Memorandum of Undestanding signed on  March 23, 2021)
  • Camara Municipal de Sao Domingos,( Memorandum of Undestanding signed on  April 06, 2021)
  • Camara Municipal de Sao Miguel,( Memorandum of Undestanding signed on  Jauary 14, 2021)
  • Camara Municipal de Santa Crouze,( Memorandum of Undestanding signed on  March 03, 2021)
Local Government in Israel:
  • Rishon LeZion, Buturyn (Memorandum of Undestanding signed on 19 July 2022)
Local Government in Republic of Moldova:
  • Kishinev (Chisinau) (Memorandum of Muntal Undestanding and Cooperation Agreement signed on  6 March, 2022)
Local Government in Ukraine:,
  • Baturyn City Terytorial Community, (Memorandum signed on  7 April, 2022)
  • Chernihiv Regional Military Administration , (Memorandum of Muntal Undestanding and Cooperation Agreement signed on  6 March, 2022)
  • Drohobych Territorial Council, (Memorandum signed on_24 March 2022)
  • Kharkiv City Council, (Memorandum of Muntal Undestanding signed on_17 March 2022)
  • Khmelnycky Regional Military Administration, (Memorandum of Muntal Undestanding and Cooperation Agreement signed on  16 March, 2022)
  • Lviv Regional Military Administration,(Memorandum of Muntal Undestanding and Cooperation Agreement signed on  16 March, 2022)
  • Polonne Territorial Hromada, (Memorandum of Muntal Undestanding signed on_21 August 2021)
  • Poltava Regional Military Administration, (Memorandum of Muntal Undestanding and Cooperation Agreement signed on  16 March, 2022)
  • Pryluky District Military Administration, (Memorandum of Muntal Undestanding and Cooperation Agreement signed on  24 March, 2022)
  • Rivne, (Memorandum  signed on_24 March 2022)
  • Zaporizhia City of Council, (Memorandum of Muntal Undestanding and Cooperation Agreement signed on  18 March, 2022)
  • Volyn Oblast, (Memorandum of Muntal Undestanding and Cooperation Agreement signed on  27 February, 2022)
  • Khotin territorial community of Sumy district of Sumy region (Memorandum of Cooperation Agreement signed on  28 July, 2023)
  • Lebedyn City Territorial Community of Lebedyn City Council of Sumy region (Memorandum of Cooperation Agreement signed on  28 July, 2023)

Local Government in Republic of Kosovo
  • Municipality of Pristina ( Memorandum of Muntal Undestanding and Cooperation Agreement signed on  16 May, 2023)
GLOBAL PLATFORM - UNITED ORGANIZATIONSOn "United Organizations" IHRC group organizations from all over the world creating a transnational platform for cooperation and development. Among other the accession to the UO signed the Ministry, and hundreds of governmental and non-governmental organizations from around the world.

Hundreds of thousands of people in need received direct physical and substantive assistance provided to their local communities by over 7500 SMM IHRC volunteers in 114 countries on 6 continents SMM IHRC volunteers played an honored and responsible role
seasoned and independent observers of elections at all levels in Europe, Africa and Asia
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